Britain, Race, & the Challenges to Black Leadership

What difference can a Black candidate make in terms of structural inequality? What difference can they make to the treatment to institutional racism. Can they mitigate against micro aggression? Can they challenge the narratives of Britishness that many Black Britons find so irksome. These may be the issues that Black Britons wish to see challenged but where do they sit within a wider political context dominated by Brexit and austerity?

Darcus Howe – Civil Rights Activist?

Darcus dies and Linton raises a question about Civil Rights in England. Did it happen? Is it fair to use this term or is this just lazy journalism? BY ROB MITCHELL RIP Darcus… ‘What say you? ‘ Now? Contrarian and Provocateur. True Activist. Devil’s Advocate. Intellectual stimulant, taking bruises for militant respectability. Rest In Peace Your […]

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